
UBER Tax Services
UBER Tax Services
UBER, Lyft, Instacart, and other drivers are considered self-employed in Canada, otherwise known as independent contractors.
As such, the drivers must keep records of the money they receive from the work and all their eligible expenses to prepare and file proper income tax returns each year.
A tax professional can review your tax situation and accurately claim all allowable business expenses. We help you to take control of your business and guide you in the right direction.
To complete your return, you will need to gather information concerning your income, expenses, and mileage. Furthermore, you will also require the following:
Your Annual Tax Summary from Uber and others.
Receipts, bills, and statements for all tax-deductible expenses.
Your vehicle mileage from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and separated between personal and business kilometers driven;
Your Social Insurance Number; and
Any other tax documents and slips related to any other employment you may have.
For details, please do not hesitate to contact us at 416-522-9779 or; we can help.